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Mothers' Hideaway: Tackle It Tuesday: Renovation Continues

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tackle It Tuesday: Renovation Continues

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

Thanks to Elaine for today's blog!

This weekend marked the beginning of the basement demo. We started with the simple move of a switch. Building code dictates that the power switch for the furnace must be in the same room as the furnace. Our switch wasn't and to save the $100 to have it moved by the furnace guys we did it ourselves.

Next came the tear down of the horrid, ugly ceiling tiles. Great if you're 6 feet tall but it sucks if you're 5 feet tall. My husband walked through the room with a crowbar pulling down the tiles while I had to stand on my tip-toes to barely reach them or stand on a stool, pry the tile down, get off the stool, move the stool and start the prying process over again. I gave up after 3 tiles and moved on to pulling off trim from around the ceiling.

You know, there's nothing like smashing a hammer through a wall and not getting in trouble for it. We took turns smacking the wall until we were able to pull most of one sheet off. This was just an brief initiation to the actual demolition that we'll be doing in the next few weeks. This week I'll be removing all the power outlet covers, light switch covers and phone jack covers so we can get down to business next weekend.

I'll give previous owner credit for doing his own home reno's but he could have at least done them right. We're going to have to hire an electrician to check all the wiring down there because MacGyver didn't have a clue what he was doing when he added light fixtures and outlets and the place looks like a fire trap. When we moved in he had the dryer hot wired directly to the wire from the breaker box. We had to put in the special outlet ourselves. We also discovered that one of the light switches is much the same (no electrical box, the wires go directly to the switch).

We also found a light box hidden behind the ceiling tiles full of a bazillion wires and we're not sure what they're for.

There's some really scary stuff down there. Yup, time to call in a professional...

What are you able to tackle while dealing with mommyhood? Come share with us at!

Thanks to for hosting Tackle It Tuesday!!

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At September 21, 2009 at 9:58 PM , Anonymous Robyn said...

That's a big tackle! Good luck with it!

Robyn :)
Mom All Day

At September 22, 2009 at 5:15 AM , Anonymous Michelle said...

That's a lot of wire going into one spot!

Good luck with everythng! :)

At September 22, 2009 at 6:22 AM , Anonymous Susie said...

That's a huge tackle! We did the same thing to our bathrooms a year and a half ago and it was an enormous undertaking! Good luck getting that completed:-)

At September 22, 2009 at 1:31 PM , Anonymous Candi said...

We were beginning to wrap up our basement renovation when a pipe sprung a leak in our kitchen and we had to move our attention there. I just posted pics as my Tackle it Tuesday. If you click on the "Projects around the house" tab under labels, you can take a peek at our basement stuff, too. Good times!

Good luck to you on your renovation. It is hard work, but so rewarding!


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