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Mothers' Hideaway: Motivating Monday: Demanding Toddlers!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Motivating Monday: Demanding Toddlers!

Thanks to Elaine for today's blog!

I admit it. I'm lazy and somewhat of a procrastinator. When Ben goes down for a nap every day I'd much rather be sitting on my duff reading a book or snurfing some cool sites (like MH!), anything other than a) cleaning; b) prepping food; c) laundry; or d) cleaning (did I mention that already?). I have to push myself to get things done all-the-time.

Ben, my just turned two toddler, has recently decided that the kitchen sink is awesome. Since he was old enough to reach the tap from a chair we have let him play there with a slight trickle of water and it will occupy him for hours. It kills our water bill and environmentalists would blow a gasket if they knew how long we run the water but it keeps him happy and we don't do it often. Until the last few weeks. Now it has become a daily battle. When he hears one of us run the tap, even for a second or two, he'll come running in, point to the sink and say "WHA! WHA! WHA!". Quite often we'll let him play but when it happens every single the time the tap runs it starts to get a little old. Oh, and it's really hard to say no when he says "Peaze Mommy? Peaze Mommy? Peaze Mommy? Peaze Mommy?". Sigh...

My new motivation for getting things done while Ben is down for a nap is not having to deal with a screaming and flailing toddler. When he goes to sleep in the afternoon I walk past my laptop and ponder squeezing in a few minutes of surfing before I get to work and then think of the potential fit he'll pitch and I keep moving on into the kitchen. I clean up the morning dishes, chop whatever needs to be chopped for dinner, put together as much of dinner as I can and it's all done without the hassle of a tantruming toddler.

In short, nothing motivates me more than my snotty, demanding, the world revolves around me and I want it and I want it NOW toddler. I love him to pieces but all you parents know how it is...

How do you motivate yourself with the demands of your kids? Tell us at!!

Thanks to for hosting Motivating Monday!


At July 20, 2009 at 10:30 PM , Anonymous Amanda said...

I'm with ya there!! My snotty nosed little toddler motivates me in so many ways.... especially in being the best mom I can be.

Thanks for linking up!!


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