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Mothers' Hideaway: Motivating Monday! Weight Loss

Monday, September 21, 2009

Motivating Monday! Weight Loss

Thanks to Jojo for today's blog!!

Weightloss has been a big thing for me lately. After giving birth to my son I have been the biggest I have ever been. At 38 weeks I weighed in at 198 lbs so I really don't know how much I weighed when I hit 41 weeks.

At my 6 weeks post partum check I had dropped 30 lbs. (I am still going according to my last weigh in. It could have been though.) This is the amount of weight I should have gained during pregnancy but I wasn't your typical pregnant lady. I was disappointed and discouraged. I had read that so many other ladies have dropped so much that they were smaller than they were pre-pregnancy or fitting into their jeans by week 4! I was jealous!!

So instead of moping and being crabby I did something about it. I stopped eating junk. I started using the excuse that I was breastfeeding to have that extra piece of chocolate or that sugar cookie. Don't get me wrong. I still indulge from time to time just not like I used to.

It isn't easy but you know what keeps me motivated? It's silly but it works! I look at old pictures of myself and pictures of what I look like now. I don't enjoy looking at pictures of myself. I downright loathe the camera. So I know that this helps to keep me on track. In the beginning of this venture I also bought 100 calorie packs for when I wanted someone sweet and they helped too. (the trick is to not eat the whole box!)

And my other motivation is my son. I know I will never look like I used to and that's totally okay with me. I know what my body did was absolutely amazing and a miracle and that is enough to make me realize that this will take time and if I don't ever reach my goal then that's okay because I have what's important--my family.

What motivates you? Share your motivation with us at!

Thanks to Garibay Soup for hosting Motivating Monday!!

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At September 21, 2009 at 9:47 AM , Anonymous Stefany said...

Good for you! It sounds like you are making good choices. You should be proud of yourself.

At September 21, 2009 at 10:14 AM , Anonymous Kara @ His, Hers and Ours said...

Came your way via Garibay Soup.

Funny. This was the topic to my post! I'm just at the beginning of my journey, though. Much luck to you on your continued success!

At September 21, 2009 at 6:01 PM , Anonymous Amanda said...

Good for you!!! Friday was my first day at getting on the let's lose some weight wagon. I think what motivates me the most is looking at what I used to be and thinking.... what the heck happened to me!?!??!

I'm glad you posted and joined in the carnival :)


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