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Mothers' Hideaway: Things I Love Thursday- Family Pride

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Things I Love Thursday- Family Pride

Thanks Hillarie for today's blog!!

Hmmm parenthood....I always go back to that scene in the movie, Parenthood with Steve Martin and the little ole grandma who talks about the roller coaster ride and how it is like being a parent(well life in general really).

You get your ups and your downs. You get your nauseated moments and your joyous ones. You get the moments when you want to rip your hair out by the roots and then the moments where you realize that making that cookie dough requires hair pulled back and out of your face.

I get things done a little at a time. I do a couple things a day but do dishes and take trash out daily. Everything else gets done once or twice a week. I dont care if my home is perfect and I realize I miss things or blow them off but thats ok. My home is decent and people worthy...immaculate can wait til Im dead LOL.

My kids needs will always prevail household chores so if they are sick or hurting vacuuming can wait. My time for myself consists of computer time. Thats where I get my out and my "me" time.


Last December my husband and I decided to celebrate both Yule and Christmas. We decided we would put the tree up close to Christmas Eve because we loved the idea of having Santa put the tree up and decorate it while the kids slept. Just another joyous, magical moment of the season.

Since we celebrate Yule we did the tree while the kids napped the afternoon of the 21st(you have to understand my husband and I tend to procrastinate. Well, he's lazy and I procrastinate so its a great combo). We sat it up and when the boys came out of their rooms we showed them the little tree lit with various colors of the rainbow. The sparkle in their eyes were soooo bright you couldnt see anything else. My oldest(was 4 then) said "did Father Winter and his fairies do the tree for us?" and my husband and I said "yes." He was so excited that little fairies had come into our house to do that special for him he just kept jumping up and down. My 3 yr old(2 1/2 then)quickly joined him in the jumping and squealing. My youngest was bright eyed but that was about it, he was only 11 mths so he wasnt big on jumping and squealing just yet.

My heart grew with joy and pride in that moment simply because I saw the wonder of the season through my childrens eyes and its a gift. You always forget that feeling when life gets in the way but thankfully a child is always nearby to remind you of the innocence and wonder that takes away, even for a moment or two, all the stress you may have been feeling.

What do you love about your kids? Share with us at!

Thanks to The Diaper Diaries for hosting Things I Love Thursday!


At November 14, 2009 at 7:52 AM , Anonymous thediaperdiaries said...

What a sweet post and a great reminder. Thanks for participating in TILT :)


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